How to enjoy a Winter Storm: It is about more than Storm chips.

Posted by Kirsten on 2022 Jan 7th

How to enjoy a Winter Storm: It is about more than Storm chips.

We may have angered you already by giving this blog a controversial title. However, you can take a deep breath knowing that we are not discounting their value. What we are saying in this blog is that storm chips are just the beginning of how to enjoy a winter storm.

As I reflect on snowstorms of years passed, warm nostalgia takes over. From colouring by candlelight to sledding down the road before the plow went by, these memories are a reminder of the joy we can experience during a classic maritime squall.

In all fairness, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the thought of shoveling and unavoidable power outages. Wet mittens and cold toes* are not exactly the definition of a good time. (*We can help prevent both of these things though!) There’s no question that winter can be synonymous with work… BUT it can also equal fun. A lot of fun.

Regardless if you ever intended on winter camping, the skills you’d use outside come in mighty handy when the power goes out. Cooking a hot meal and staying warm and dry being at the top of that list.

Hibernating inside is always an option. Puzzles and board games are at least 147% (a well researched and accurate statistic) more fun when you play by headlamp and candle light. Add in a hot chocolate made from boiled snow and some cozy socks and it's improved by another, you know, 16%. (Another well sourced number.)

That being said, you may get a little stir crazy. When that happens, it's time to layer up and head out into the great abyss. And hey, nobody is stopping you if want to run outside in your underwear but we recommend starting with a good baselayer (preferably wool) at least.

Once you are layered up and outside, it’s time to play.

Yes, play! No matter your age.

Ski in your backyard. Snowshoe your neighborhood. Enjoy a winter bonfire. We have items in store to make all of these activities a raving success.

If you are heading out to get your storm chips and need a few more essentials, pop in and say hi. We are here and happy to help!

When you are prepped with your storm supplies, you have two (well, three) options.

  1. Activate hygge and stay cozy inside with some headlamp lit games and your favourite pair of slippers.
  2. Get outside and adventure from your doorstep
  3. Do both!

So, which will you choose?