Outdoor Gear & Apparel for experienced adventurers and weekend warriors. Shop our extensive inventory of high quality brands including Patagonia, Yeti, The North Face, Arc'teryx, Cotopaxi, Petzl, Hoka and many more. River & Trail Outdoor Company is a small business located in Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada.
We know how to dress for any occasion - and we have a wide range of products to make sure we can outfit you for anything you want to do outdoors. We carry some of the best apparel brands like Patagonia, Arc'teryx, Fjallraven and more.
At River & Trail, we have everything you need to get the most out of your camping or hiking experience. To help get set up right, choose from some of the best brands available including MSR, Therm-A-Rest, Big Agnes, Hotcore and more.
Whether you are climbing at the crag or the gym, you need clothes and gear that moves with you. Our selection of high quality climbing brands from Petzl, Black Diamond, Sterling Rope, Scarpa, La Sportiva and Patagonia can keep you going.
Whether you are going for a neighbourhood walk, or a multi-day hike, your footwear can dictate the quality of the experience. Some of the great brands we offer include: Salomon, Keen, Merrell, Oboz, The North Face, ON, La Sportiva, Hoka, Blundstones and more.
Select Mountain Biking Apparel and Packs from Patagonia and Osprey so you can hit the trails in comfort.
We have all the awesome stuff that you might not even know you need...but you're still going to love. As with every other product we carry, we have a range of quality brands including Black Diamond, Petzl, Yeti and more.
Whether you’re looking for a kayak, canoe or SUP, we can get you outfitted with the right equipment for what you want to do. That equipment will be made up of the best brands available including Old Town, Wilderness Systems, Perception, Dagger and more.
Trail Running apparel, footwear and accessories fit for a quick loop through your local trail - or a full day ultra event. We carry Trail Running gear from Hoka, Salomon, Merrell, Altra, The North Face, Patagonia - and more!
Travel packs and accessories from Osprey, Cotopaxi, Sea To Summit and more: fit for daily trips, plane travel or for anywhere adventure takes you.
Keep adventuring throughout the winter months with alpine or cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and more. Find Winter Gear and Apparel from Nordica, Salomon, Rossignol, Atlas and more.
All clearance items are FINAL SALE.