Hiking Checklists for the Gear You Actually Need
Posted by Kirsten on 2020 Dec 31st
Taryn put together some handy printable checklists for you to reference when getting ready for your next hiking adventure. Click the links below and use as you see fit!DAY-HIKING: https://riverandtrail.ca/river-trail-talk/dayhikin...BACKPACKING: https://riverandtrail.ca/river-trail-talk/backpack...FIRST-AID KIT: https://riverandtrail.ca/river-trail-talk/firstaid...Happy Hiking!
Backpacking Checklist
Posted by Taryn on 2020 Jul 14th
Forgetting something?If you've ever been on a trip and realized you forgot your headlamp.... or worse....the TP... you understand the importance of having everything packed before you head out on your next adventure. A check list is one of those key components of any gear kit. Print this off and keep it with your gear boxes so the important stuff doesn't get left behind.