Get Started with Cross Country Skiing: The Gear You Need
Posted by Kirsten on 2024 Nov 5th
Cross-country (or Nordic) skiing is an awesome way to spend some time outdoors in the winter - and can also be an excellent aerobic workout. Whether it appeals to you as a fun pastime, or a winter exercise routine, you need gear to get started.There are a few categories for the sport: classic cross-country, skate skiing and backcountry touring. Depending on which you wish to pursue will affect the
Where to Cross Country Ski in the Greater Saint John area?
Posted by Kirsten on 2020 Dec 5th
The spring and summer brought a lot more people outdoors to enjoy our local wonders and epic hiking trails, campsites and swimming holes. With the winter upon us and a continued sense uncertainty in the air, we suspect (and hope) everyone continues to enjoy as much time outside as possible to stay active and well. If you are in the Saint John area, you all well aware you live in a winter playgroun